Proxy Voting Records

In this section, you will find the proxy voting records for the RBC Funds and Philips Hager & North ("PH&N") Funds which hold voting securities. The Proxy Voting Search function allows you to see the proxy voting record of the Fund you choose.

Proxy Voting Search

How to Use the Proxy Voting Search

Use Fund Search to select one of the RBC Funds or one of the PH&N Funds. Click Search and you will see a list of companies held by the selected Fund and the meetings at which the Fund exercised its voting rights. Click on a Company name to see the issues on which shareholders voted at the meeting and how the Fund voted. Use Company Search to check for a particular company, using the alphabetical listing, the company name or the company's ticker symbol. The ticker is the symbol under which that specific security is listed on a stock exchange.

Use Meeting Date Search to see the proxy voting records of all of the Funds which held voting securities, for meetings held during a specific period. The proxy voting records begin on January 1, 2008 for RBC Funds and January 1, 2011 for PH&N Funds.

Funds of Funds

Some RBC funds, and PH&N funds, hold units of other mutual funds (the "underlying funds").

Unlike companies, mutual funds do not have annual shareholder meetings, but they may hold unitholder meetings from time to time, at which unitholders of the fund are entitled to exercise voting rights.

If one of the RBC Funds or PH&N Funds holds units of an underlying fund managed by a third party and is entitled to vote at a unitholder meeting, RBC Global Asset Management will exercise those voting rights in the best interests of the Fund. The manner in which the voting rights were exercised will be published on this page. If the underlying fund is managed by RBC Global Asset Management or an affiliate, then the voting rights will be passed through to unitholders.

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